Who we are
ALAM Shilajit is a company that provides you the world’s finest gold quality plant based organic Shilajit from world’s highest altitude above 16,000 feet. You get purest resin directly from it’s manufacturer not from third party sellers. Our Himalayan Shilajit is tested by third party labs and rated highest by Ayurvedic experts. Over 90% repeating customers with satisfaction is proving Himalayan healing Shilajit as the best in the world. Compared to any top brand, ALAM Shilajit is guaranteed to be the best and fresh quality ship directly from source. Delivery time takes longer but it worth’s the wait. Our certified organic store supplies natural and purest Shilajit worldwide. We provide fresh Shilajit to our customers in approved food graded amber jars. ALAM Shilajit is tested for quality and the ingredients before dispatched. Our Shilajit product does not contain any high ratio toxic mineral. The lab report from food checking laboratory (PCSIR) is displayed to show the minerals ratio of the natural Shilajit we offer to our customers. We have also tested our shilajit from the international laboratory for heavy metals! It’s one of the best Gold Graded shilajit according to the issued Lab Certificate Report! Following is the PCSIR PAKISTAN Lab Report.

Alam Shilajit
Aliquam consectetur et lorem semper scelerisque. Proin est nibh, vestibulum vitae congue nec, tristique eu justo. Maecenas eu nunc lacinia, porta lorem vitae, viverra velit. Nulla dolor libero, rhoncus quis luctus eu, fermentum sed leo. Morbi ut risus porttitor odio sodales pulvinar. Sed gravida nulla sed sapien vulputate, eget malesuada justo egestas. Pellentesque sem mi, vulputate ac iaculis sit amet, sagittis feugiat dui. Proin non pellentesque leo. Vestibulum varius laoreet posuere. Etiam fringilla diam odio.
Nulla felis nibh, bibendum a leo ut, egestas ornare felis. Nam pretium mauris justo, eget commodo est fringilla vel. Proin condimentum, lacus sit amet finibus gravida, sapien ligula mattis leo, sit amet mattis leo lacus sit amet lectus. Nulla facilisi. Etiam porta iaculis velit id pulvinar. Sed dolor odio, eleifend eget aliquam vitae, efficitur vitae dolor.